Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hide Subpanel from Module

Want to Hide Subpanel from Module Permanently ?

Goto : sugarcrm/custom/Extension/modules/Leads/Ext//Layoutdefs/

see for the  layoutdefs.ext.php

if not than create.

( e.g. hide champaign subpanel )

edit that file and add line:


Than repair and rebult.

Note: You need to create the folders and files if they doesn´t exist.
             If you want that panel than do vice-versa

For Sugarcrm 6.4.X or 6.5.X TRY THIS

Goto : sugarcrm/custom/Extension/modules/Leads/Ext//Layoutdefs/


edit that file and add line:

<?php unset($layout_defs['Leads']['subpanel_setup']['campaigns']);

If file already there than

make file like              _override_hide_campaigns_subpanel.php
