Thursday, December 12, 2019

Lodash - 4 and webpack 4, _.get returns undefined when path contains array

Lodash - 4 and webpack 4, _.get returns undefined when path contains array 


in webpack.config.js:

plugins: [
  new LodashModuleReplacementPlugin({
    collections: true,
    shorthands: true,
    currying: true,
    flattening: true,
    paths: true,
    caching: true  }),

need to add paths: true, and caching: true. 

This should remove undefined and return actual value,

if not then please let me know in comments.   

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Disable Dahslets and AddDashlet button for all users

1) step:

Open file : sugarcrm/modules/Home/index.php

comment line 280

$sugar_smarty->assign('maxCount', empty($sugar_config['max_dashlets_homepage']) ? 15 : $sugar_config['max_dashlets_homepage']);
$sugar_smarty->assign('dashletCount', $count);
$sugar_smarty->assign('dashletIds', '["' . implode('","', $dashletIds) . '"]');

//$sugar_smarty->assign('columns', $display);

2) perform repair.

3) now Dahslet will be disable from all users

FOR DISABLE ADD-Dashlet Button.

Goto => System Setting 

Click on Prevent user customizable Homepage layout: checkbox.

Result :

Without Dashlet And AddDashlet button
